بالصور: لبنان يرتدي حلته البيضاء!

ارتدى لبنان حلته البيضاء، بعد المنخفض الجوي الذي سيطر على الحوض الشرقي للمتوسط، والذي ساهم بتساقط الثلوج على الـ1600 والـ1700 متر.

وتشاهدون بالصور المرفقة، منطقة مزار كفردبيان وهي مغطاة بالثلوج:

May be an image of ski slope and text that says 'SKI 0 KFARDEBIAN RESORT MZAAR WELCOMES A'

May be an image of ski slope and text that says 'SKI 0 KFARDEBIAN RESORT MZAAR WELCOMES A'

May be an image of ski slope and text that says 'CLUB ARCTICCAT'

May be an image of ski slope and text that says 'CLUB ARCTICCAT'

May be an image of road

May be an image of road

May be an image of road, arctic and text

May be an image of road, arctic and text

May be an image of ski slope and fog

May be an image of ski slope and fog

May be an image of arctic, ski slope and text

May be an image of arctic, ski slope and text

May be an image of arctic

May be an image of arctic

May be an image of ski slope, arctic and text

May be an image of ski slope, arctic and text

May be an image of fire tower, fog and ski slope

May be an image of fire tower, fog and ski slope

May be an image of road, ski slope and fog

May be an image of road, ski slope and fog

No photo description available.

No photo description available.

May be an image of snowplow, road and fog

May be an image of snowplow, road and fog

اشترك فى النشرة البريدية لتحصل على اهم الاخبار بمجرد نشرها

تابعنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى

التالى منخفض جوي سريع في طريقه إلى لبنان